Tuesday, December 18, 2012

78 Visits.

{It has been a privilege to be a small part of so many people's stories over the last several years.   I am honored to tell this one.}

Almost 10 years ago; I was shopping at Lifeway, in our new town.  I spotted a young lady with great hair.  Now--if you know me at all...you know, finding the right person to do my hair would be top on the list of things to accomplish quickly after a move...right up there with family doctor, dentist, grocery store, etc.  The young lady with great hair gave me the name of her stylist.  Here’s the rest of the story.  

I called the stylist and found that she had a quaint little place in her house.  I LOVED her.  And so began the relationship.  What I didn’t know then was that because of a series of events, she would become unable to continue her business. However; she introduced me to her daughter, who had just completed her training to take over the business. 

The young lady was fantastic.  If I loved her mother, I ADORED my new girl and very soon, she became my friend.  She was very young and had a lot of things going on in her personal life....but she confided in me and I began to pray for her.  Her mom and I had developed a trusting relationship...she even called me “the she-preacher!” 

Soon, my young friend became a single mom.  She would tell you this was NOT the direction she would have taken for her life.  She had other plans, but her life’s choices took her on a detour.

Over the next couple of years, she dated a few different guys and then decided to focus on herself and her little man.   She is a great mom and has really put his interests first; but there was something missing.  She was going to church; but she would say at that time, she wasn’t fully committed to a relationship with Jesus or to a life of faith.

About 2 years ago, a young man she had known for a long time came back into her life.  He was a single dad and a friendship began.  I was so incredibly proud of the way she handled dating this guy. Friendship was their priority, neither of them wanting to rush things; yet both wanting their families to spend time together.   The two of them began to read the Word together. They prayed together and attended church together.  What was missing was found, in a life of faith.  

This young couple has blended their family in marriage and for more than a year now; have been living the life of faith.  They are expecting a 3rd addition to the family in the spring.  I am beyond excited to tell you, they are doing well walking in faith together.

All the while; I have been praying, speaking words of truth, even though at times, they have been hard to hear.   I’m sure she had other people helping her lean to faith in Jesus....but she calls me her spiritual mother.  What an honor for me to have had the privilege of sitting in her chair for 78 visits. 
She told me today, “I’m ever so grateful.”

78 visits of loving a young lady.
78 visits of quietly speaking truth into a life.
78 visits of building a relationship that will last for eternity.  

I tell you her story today to encourage you.  No matter where God has you in life...you can tell HIStory in love with your life and believe me...there are plenty of people who need to hear it.  

It may take 78 visits; but it is worth a lifetime.


“Write these commandments that I’ve given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night.”
Deuteronomy 6:6-8 MSG

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hold Up!

{This post is dedicated to my friends, Maury & Dana, who encouraged me to keep writing.....as it turns out....they read the blog!}

Exodus 17 tells the story of Moses leading the Israelites into battle against their enemies.  While Moses was on the mountain holding up the staff; the Israelites began to win against the enemy. When Moses’ arms became tired and they fell to his side-the enemy would overtake the Israelites and begin to defeat them.  Along came Aaron and Hur-- fellow leaders of the Israelites tribes.  Each of these men raised an arm; so that Moses’ arms and staff would once again be lifted high, defeating the enemy.

While we are certainly not Moses defeating a literal army against the enemy, we most definitely need your prayer support to hold us up.  This enemy we fight seeks to prowl and devour the souls of a nation with sickness, disease, and death.  There is no better ‘arm holder’ than a prayer partner.

Over these years in ministry, we have been so grateful for those prayer partners who remember us to the Father.  We often tell our church family as some have transitioned from one church and town to another; we will cover you in prayer until you get settled into a church that will take over that prayer cover. Not to say that we wouldn’t continue to pray for them-but I think you get the idea. 

Will you hold us up?  We are now about a month away from this new adventure.  Our time of traveling to raise our funds, finish selling our ‘stuff’ and packing up the rest is rapidly coming to a close.  We have received countless emails, facebook messages and words of encouragement.  We are so grateful for your support.

Here are a few things that can top the prayer list for the Schmelzenbachs in Swaziland:

  • The smooth transition out of our house and safe travels on the road and in the air
  • Wisdom, discernment and teachable spirits when we arrive and as we adjust to our new life and culture, as well as following the Lord’s leading for our place in ministry
  • That we would draw close to one another on the tough days of feeling out of place and homesick
  • Continued support as we raise our own salary; whether monthly or one-time gifts
  • Katie and Peyton as they find their place of service and continue homeschooling (me too!)
  • Pray for all The Luke Commission staff as we all land next month and begin the work of compassionate medicine--seeking to save lives by meeting a physical need and bringing the Word of God and the love of Jesus to Swaziland.

Siyabonga.  (Thank you.)
