Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Paddle Partner

{I am not a canoe-er, kayaker or any kind of paddle boater, whatsoever. So when I say, 'we took the youth group canoeing,' I mean, I sat in the boat and ducked, dodged and did my best to help steer our canoe away from branches.}

Many lessons can be learned on a canoe trip down the river.  For instance, who you choose as a partner is critical.  Does your partner have the same goal as you or does your partner's goal for the day look more like a bumper boat party?

So step 1- choose a good partner. Enough said.

Step 2- get a game plan.   Exactly which side of the boat do you paddle on?!! You might want to know that paddling left takes you right, and vice versa.  Good knowledge to have when you are heading in the direction of a tree trunk.

Step 3- COMMUNICATE with your paddle partner.  The two of you will have a smoother ride down this river if you anticipate the obstacles together, or even better, trust the front rider to shout out which direction is best...after all, she has the best view on that canoe!

Step 4- don't panic....well, ok, scream a little if you need to (I sure do), but don't rock the boat!  You can do this!

Step 5- when you do hit the obstacles in the water, and you WILL hit them, paddle together to get yourself turned around and headed in the right direction.

Step 6- enjoy the ride.  Really.  It can be both leisurely and stressful, but the best strategy for canoeing is ride the current.  Over-paddling can get you in worse trouble, you could end up going around in circles or flipped backwards or upside down!

I'm sure you've got the point of this illustration by now.  Many lessons.  Christian living.  Marriage. Friendship.  Mentoring. Teamwork.  Really good stuff for life.

During one point in the trip, one set of youth 'paddle partners' said to the adult chaperones, 'Hey, can you go ahead of us, so we can see how you do this and know what route to take?'  Seriously good advice for the generation following us.  Let us help you map the river.  We know at what points you will need to make adjustments, duck or dodge obstacles that are in your way.

This is what we do as followers of Christ.  Follow Him.  Some further down the 'river' than others, but ultimately, all rowing in the same direction.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Change of Direction

I grew up in a glass house. You know, the ministry kind? People looking in, your family is watched....good example or not! As a teenager, I made my decision. I was NOT going to marry a minister and my life would NOT be dictated by glass walls.


Little did I know, God was preparing me all that time to do just that, live life with people looking in.

When Brian and I married, almost 20 years ago, we had great plans. Business opportunities, great sales training and skills, on our way to acquiring wealth.

God's plan; however, turned out to include wealth of a totally different kind. Brian had been working in management with a company who decided to eliminate his position. (There is a much longer version of this story, if you ever want to know it!) Following losing his job, many long nights of prayer and counsel, we took a position in full time ministry....right where I said I would NEVER be. BUT GOD prepared our hearts and He directed our path.

A church in Pensacola took a chance on an inexperienced pastor more than 9 years ago. Our family has grown, not only physically, but a tremendous growth spiritually as we have led the faithful people of our church. We love the people and we are blessed to be loved in return.

Once again, here we are, a change in the direction of our path.

Several years ago we met a couple, Harry and Echo VanderWal, who were doing mobile medical mission work in Swaziland, South Africa. We were intrigued. We spent time with them and had annual visits upon their return to the US. In God's providence, we had the opportunity to serve along side them when in 2010 we took our family to Swaziland for a month long mission trip as well as the celebration of the centennial of the Church of the Nazarene. One night, while staying with the VanderWals in Manzini, Swaziland, they shared with us their miracle campus dream concept. Their desire was (and still is) to have a clinic, a home for themselves, a commercial size kitchen and eating area, small cottages where work and witness teams would stay when they came to serve and finally, they pointed out a small home, possibly for 4, that they would like to have a pastor living there on staff. I though my heart would beat out of my chest or I might throw up. I thought then, 'this is a place we can serve.' I had no idea that God was planting the seed in me to return 2 years later.

Our hearts have been drawn to the work Harry and Echo are doing with their organization, The Luke Commission. And so, after years prayerfully considering the timing, we now have been asked to pastor with The Luke Commission. How humbled and honored we feel to be serving in such a capacity.

I could not have prepared for what God continues to teach me in this glass house life. These God lessons and blessings have been far more valuable than the world's definition of riches. Obedience is the real wealth.

We covet your prayer and support as we prepare to go in January 2013.

This blog will begin to be linked to a website my family is creating. It will turn into more of a journal of God's stories. I look forward to writing them.

As was written on the fly leaf of Brian's great-grandfather, Harmon's bible:

“Lay any burden upon me; only sustain me. Send me anywhere; only go with me. Sever any tie, but that one which binds me to Thy service and to Thy Heart.” ― David Livingstone

Matthew 28:18-20 MSG
“God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20 NRSV
"And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.' "

Go as He commanded.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Be Our Guest

Our church is all abuzz, our home is flittering with activity. We are preparing for guests. Our local church celebrates 50 years of God's faithfulness this coming weekend. We have invited those who have been part of our church family to worship and fellowship with us, thanking God for all the lives that have been touched throughout the ministry of the church.

You know the feeling of anticipation and excitement when company is coming; cleaning, shopping for supplies and getting meals prepared...waiting for your special guests to arrive. It is such a joy to experience fellowship with each other.

I wish we felt like this every weekend. We have an opportunity at every gathering to make a difference in people's lives.

Think about it from the guest's perspective. Don't you love it when you go to visit someone and they have made provisions for your stay? Don't you feel special? I know I do. When you see that beds have been prepared, towels laid out, coffee or your favorite drink purchased, it makes you feel like your host or hostess was anticipating your arrival!

Our home and church are extensions of one another in a way. As Christians, we are extensions of Christ. Loving people and being hospitable should flow naturally from us because of our love for Him.

And so it goes with our spiritual lives. Ready yourself for worship. Prepare your attitude and spirit to meet with Him, more than Sundays! We worship Him with how we live our lives. When you are in the right spirit, anticipating His arrival, surely you will feel His presence and sense His touch. He's the most distinguished Guest you will ever host, and He wants an Everlasting stay!

Let me encourage you today, if you don't know Him, invite Jesus to be your Guest. If you are already a believer, welcome others to know Him too.

Hebrews 13:2 MSG
Be ready with a meal or a bed when it’s needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it!

Philemon 4-7 NASB
I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and of the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints;and I pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective through the knowledge of every good thing which is in you for Christ’s sake. For I have come to have much joy and comfort in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother.
