Thursday, January 26, 2012


Wednesday, race home from school, getting ready to go to church for a rehearsal, and the doorbell rings.
This has happened to you, I'm sure.
Solicitor, an interruption!
I'm thinking, 'Oh, good grief, I do not have time for this.'
As I open the door the very polite, well-dressed young man begins his spiel. In a split second, I stop him and ask what he is selling. In his best salesman's voice, he assures me this is not some kind of gimmick. He proceeds to tell me about his family in Detroit, Michigan and how the book and magazines sales help him support them.
Well, now I feel like a jerk.
So I start asking a few questions and listening to him.
Again, politely I say no thank you to what he is selling, only this time I ask his name. He introduces himself as Patrick and I ask if I can pray for him. He steps forward and his whole demeanor changes. He asks if I am a Christian. When I acknowledged that I was, he was very excited to tell me he was a Christian too. I prayed for Patrick, offered to fill his cup with a cold drink and he went on his way, thanking me and asking for continued prayer.

It's not really earth shattering. I didn't make him a bunch of money that day, but I offered encouragement and hope to a weary young man who is just trying to make a living. In the midst of my busy day, the interruption was worth it.

Anyone can be curt and rude. In a split second, a kind word can change that. It can happen for you, in the grocery store, bank drive-thru, restaurant or at your front door. Offer an encouraging word or even a prayer. Everyone needs a positive, hopeful word.

Choose kind words. An interruption to you, may turn someone else's day around.


Proverbs 15:1-4 MSG
A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire.
Knowledge flows like spring water from the wise; fools are leaky faucets, dripping nonsense. God doesn’t miss a thing—He's alert to good and evil alike.
Kind words heal and help; cutting words wound and maim.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the great reminder Missi! I get interrupted often throughout the work! Hard to remember that I need to let Jesus shine through and not my selfish agitation!
