We all have it.
As we begin to clear out closets, drawers, rooms and the garage, we realize how much 'stuff' we have accumulated in the 9 years we have lived in one place.
Having everything we need is a comfort most of us afford; for even more of us, having everything we want is a luxury.
It begs the question, why do we keep so much stuff? Sometimes even hoarding things...like paperwork, books, 'sentimental' items...just to name a few. Maybe it's because we don't want to deal with it when it enters our home, maybe the clutter belongs to another family member and we are waiting for them to take care of it.
I have to admit, the clutter is totally overwhelming. If not for a very good friend who is gifted at seeing a task and knowing where to begin; I may be inclined to just walk away from this mess and wait until it's crunch time to deal with it.
Clutter can be spiritual as well. How many times do we feel that twinge of the Holy Spirit to do something or take care of a situation, and we put it off until later? Often times, we know what it is we need to do, we know what is right, but we ignore what we know and do what we want anyway.
When we pile on the spiritual 'stuff,' it can become overwhelming to even know how to get out from under it. Many times, we may just walk away from the spiritual things (i.e. the church, Christian friends or even God) because we just do not want to deal with our own stuff.
I love the word picture here in Matthew 3:12:
'He’s going to clean house—make a clean sweep of your lives. He’ll place everything true in its proper place before God; everything false he’ll put out with the trash to be burned.'
He is where you start. You see, what happens when you come to Him, you allow HIM to be the organizer and the detailer. He will do the de-cluttering. When you let Him; He will take care of the junk. The old things that you deemed so important don't seem so earth shattering anymore. He will change your 'want to.'
2 Corinthians 5:17
'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.'
De-clutter. Not just your home, but most importantly, bring your spiritual clutter to the One who is the Master of the mess.
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