It's so simple.
It requires surrender.
The decision is made and then the action follows.
I'm talking about faith.
Once you decide you believe in God, you take the step to follow Him. You surrender. Recognize you are a sinner. You are in need a Savior. Committing yourself to Him.
Most of the time, we hesitate to surrender all at once. It's like we give Him this piece and then that. Maybe we even think, 'let me give Him this part of my life and I'll see how He does.'
It humors me, only because I speak from experience. This feeling and I go way back, I know it personally. Before I turned over all of my life, I had to be involved in every detail. Like micromanaging my own life! It makes me exhausted now to think about it. Running around trying to be in charge of everything, whew. Where was my faith? Did I seriously think I could do a better job with my life and everyone in it?
I have always had the knowledge in my head. Growing up in church and with a Christian family, I had been taught. Until I made that faith my own, I couldn't possibly know all the plans God had for me. Even now, I don't know all the future holds, but I trust in the One who holds it.
God has proven Himself faithful to me. I have trusted Him with every detail of my life. I am confident that He will prove to be the same trustworthy God in your life.
Be encouraged, God's plans are far bigger and better than you can dream or imagine.
Ask God to take you, every single detail.
Life may not be easier, but there is a peace that you will not be able to explain.
When you feel the need to control life's circumstances, pray.
Ask God to take care of it instead.
Then, take a deep breath and exhale.
Call on Him. Trust Him. He will give you what you need each day.
Give up and give it all to Him. He's big enough.
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 NRSV
May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do this.
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